Marine Corp Veteran Owned And Operated
Common Home Inspection Findings and How to Address Them

Common Home Inspection Findings and How to Address Them

Common Home Inspection Findings and How to Address Them
Posted on July 16, 2023.

As a home inspector at C&L Home Inspection, I have encountered various common issues during my inspections. Identifying these findings is an essential part of the inspection process, as it allows homeowners to address them promptly and ensure the safety and integrity of their properties. In this blog post, I will discuss some of the most frequent home inspection findings and provide guidance on how to address them effectively. By addressing these common issues, homeowners can prevent further damage and potentially save money in the long run. It is important to prioritise repairs and maintenance tasks based on the severity of the findings, ensuring that any potential safety hazards are addressed first. Additionally, seeking professional assistance or advice when dealing with complex or extensive issues can help homeowners make informed decisions and ensure that the necessary repairs are done correctly.

Roofing and Attic Concerns

During a home inspection, one of the primary areas I focus on is the roof and attic. Common findings in this area include:

Damaged or Missing Shingles I often come across damaged or missing shingles, which can lead to roof leaks and further damage if left unaddressed. If I find any signs of compromised roofing materials, I recommend contacting a professional roofer to assess and repair the issue promptly.

Inadequate Insulation Another common finding is inadequate insulation in the attic. Poor insulation can result in energy loss, higher utility bills, and reduced comfort levels. To address this, I suggest consulting with insulation specialists who can evaluate and improve your attic insulation, ensuring energy efficiency and optimal climate control.

Electrical System Deficiencies

Electrical system problems pose serious safety risks in homes. Some common electrical findings I encounter include:

Outdated Wiring Homes with outdated wiring, such as knob-and-tube or aluminium wiring, can be hazardous. These systems may not meet current safety standards and can increase the risk of electrical fires. It's crucial to consult with a licenced electrician to assess and update the wiring if needed.

Insufficient Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) GFCIs are vital in areas exposed to water, such as kitchens and bathrooms. If I find insufficient GFCI outlets or improper placement, I advise homeowners to have a qualified electrician install GFCIs where necessary. This will enhance electrical safety and reduce the risk of electrical shocks.

Plumbing Problems

Plumbing issues are prevalent and can cause water damage and other costly problems if not addressed promptly. Some common plumbing findings include:

Leaky Faucets and Fixtures Leaky faucets and fixtures waste water and can lead to increased water bills. Additionally, prolonged leaks can cause damage to sinks, countertops, and cabinets. I suggest having a plumber repair or replace faulty fixtures to prevent water waste and potential structural damage.

Inadequate Water Pressure Inadequate water pressure can affect daily activities such as showering and washing dishes. This issue may result from clogged pipes, faulty pressure regulators, or other factors. If I identify low water pressure during an inspection, I recommend consulting a plumbing professional to diagnose and resolve the underlying cause. Low water pressure can also be caused by issues with the water main or a problem with the municipal water supply. It is important to address this issue promptly to ensure a comfortable and efficient living environment. A plumber can assess the situation and provide appropriate solutions to restore adequate water pressure throughout the home.

Structural Integrity Concerns

Maintaining a structurally sound home is crucial for both safety and long-term value. Some common structural findings I come across include:

Cracked Foundation A cracked foundation can lead to structural instability and water intrusion. If I find cracks or signs of foundation movement, I suggest homeowners consult with a structural engineer or foundation specialist to assess the severity and determine appropriate repair measures.

Sagging or Unlevel Floors Sagging or unlevel floors can indicate structural issues, such as damaged support beams or improper foundation settling. If I observe these problems during an inspection, I recommend reaching out to professionals who specialise in structural repairs to address the underlying cause and ensure a stable foundation. These professionals can accurately diagnose the problem and provide solutions that may include reinforcing support beams or implementing foundation repairs. It is important to address these issues promptly to prevent further damage and maintain the structural integrity of the home.

HVAC System Inefficiencies

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are critical for comfort and energy efficiency. Common HVAC findings include:

Dirty or Clogged Air Filters Dirty or clogged air filters can impede airflow, reduce system efficiency, and lead to poor indoor air quality. I advise homeowners to regularly clean or replace air filters to maintain optimal HVAC performance and improve the air they breathe.

Improperly Maintained HVAC Equipment Lack of routine maintenance, such as cleaning coils or lubricating parts, can result in decreased system efficiency and potential breakdowns. I recommend scheduling regular HVAC maintenance with a qualified technician to keep the system running smoothly and extend its lifespan. Regular HVAC maintenance not only improves system efficiency and prevents breakdowns, but it also helps to identify and address any potential issues before they become major problems. Additionally, a well-maintained HVAC system can help reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills.


Being aware of common home inspection findings empowers homeowners to take proactive steps to address potential issues. By promptly addressing roofing concerns, electrical deficiencies, plumbing problems, structural integrity issues, and HVAC inefficiencies, you can ensure a safe and comfortable living environment.

If you require a comprehensive home inspection or have concerns about your property, please reach out to me at C&L Home Inspection by calling 843-455-3331. I am here to assist you in identifying and addressing any issues, ensuring your home remains in excellent condition. Whether you are a homeowner or a potential buyer, it is crucial to prioritise regular maintenance and inspections to prevent any major problems from arising. Neglecting these issues can lead to costly repairs and potential safety hazards. Don't hesitate to contact us for a thorough assessment of your property and peace of mind knowing that your home is well-maintained.

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